Day twelve and we’re enjoying a day off in Onanole, Manitoba, where the latest snow fall (!) is quickly melting in the sun sun sun. I’m about to get a massage at Elkhorn (bliss!) and work some of the long drives out of my shoulders…
I’m in love with this tour, I gotta say. Every single show has been fantastic, and after taking so much time off from the road I couldn’t ask for a warmer return.
Gaby and I continue to Announce The Keys (and it remains a necessity…), the rental car is covered in mud on the outside (thanks to the GPS being hell-bent on back dirt roads during rain storms) and encrusted with granola in the backseat on the inside (oops), we’ve only lost one toothbrush and one sock, and we’ve gained the purchase of the original Broadway recording of RENT. Sing-alongs abound.
Down dirt roads, side roads, under the big sky that’s known me since childhood, we found our way to Saskatchewan.
I woke up like this, Lloyd, SK.
Me, Marge, Gaby. Last I saw Marge was in 2012. We commiserated on recent lost and talked yoga. Today she noticed how differently I walk now compared to then (Kneeraiser FTW!) and she sang us You Are My Sunshine on her uke.
Sometimes just 10 hours in a place can feel like a dose of home. We had a bit of that for our night in Winnipeg.
The legendary Times Change(d).
Rain soaked and happy visiting CBC Winnipeg! Thanks to Kaj and Andrew for lunch, and Kaj for the photo.
Stony Mountain, Mantioba, new fan (and the feeling’s mutual)
Thank you Maria and Ian! House concert goodness, Onanole
Manitoba audience.
Treetops dipped in sunset, Onanole.
Was running out of CDs on tour and Susan shipped more in some sweet Lego packaging.
From prairie to mountain.
Osoyoos, heyyyyyy.
The Ymir Schoolhouse – one of my favourites places in the world to play – has changed colours since I last was here. We had a magical night, sing in these yellow walls and under a million stars.
One of my favourite people in the world! Carla, of Tiny Lights.
Janet! It’s amazing how long connecting can last. Touring always reminds me of that.
Coffee shops as tour offices.
Andrew, at Ironwood Stage & Grill, went above and beyond his soundman duties and fixed the bolt that fell out of the neck of my guitar. THANK YOU!!!
Richard! We met on a plane from Winnipeg to Calgary in 2011 and on every tour since, we always make time for breakfast.